Thursday, July 28, 2016

Top 5 Changes I Want in Pokemon Go

Now I love Pokemon Go, but my objectives are slightly different than others.  I personally want to catch them all.  I don't really have a desire to battle gyms, which I know is a big part of the game for a lot of people.  So these changes are more for someone who is a casual player.  I don't really care about the power of my pokemon.  So that's just me.

1. Different pokemon
Now I love pokemon.  I haven't necessarily played every generation, but I still want to be able to catch a little mareep so I can get my ampharos.  Also then we could have a little more variety in some areas.  I wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of hoothoots at night, or combees flying around.

2. Better dispersion of Pokestops
I know there are plenty of Pokestops.  However where I live you have to go downtown to get Pokestops now I understand that there are a lot of Pokestops in a highly concentrated area, but it is immensely frustrating.  I get stressed out when I go to downtown so I tend to run out of pokeballs and  have to wait until I'm going somewhere that has a Pokestop.  So that makes the game a little less fun for me.

3. Higher CP pokemon should give you more candy
Any Pokemon Go player knows that they have to catch over 100 magikarp to evolve it, and it's really annoying to waste ten precious pokeballs on a higher CP pokemon.  I wish there was a reward for catching higher CP pokemon or evolved pokemon.

4. Daily items
Now this might be a little greedy, but I wish you would get an item or two each day you play.  So when you run out of pokeballs you can get a few every day so that you can keep playing.  Now I understand that that would cause them to make less money so I understand why they wouldn't, but it would help for people who didn't have Pokestops near them.  I know you can get items if you hold down a gym for a while, and I could be wrong they might give you daily items, but as far as I know they don't.

5. Better tutorial or more advice throughout the game
I personaly missed out on my first Pokestop because I forgot what they told me at the beginning of the game.  I also wish it was more helpful at the beginning so I wouldn't waste all of my items right at the beginning.

What would you want to change about Pokemon Go? Are you playing?  If so are you enjoying it?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Review | All the Time in the World by Caroline Angell

All the Time in the World by Caroline Angell
Genre: Adult Fiction, Contemporary
Pages: 336

Synopsis (From Goodreads)
When a devastating accident befalls the family she nannies for, a young composer faces a choice between her promising career and the well-being of the two little boys she has come to love

Charlotte, a gifted and superbly-trained young musician, has been blindsided by a shocking betrayal in her promising career when she takes a babysitting job with the McLeans, a glamorous Upper East Side Manhattan family. At first, the nanny gig is just a way of tiding herself over until she has licked her wounds and figured out her next move as a composer in New York; she doesn't mean to stay with the family for long. But, as the reader quickly becomes aware, Charlotte is naturally gifted with children and as deeply fond of the two little boys as they are of her. When an unthinkable tragedy leaves the McLeans bereft, Charlotte is not the only one who realizes that she's the key to holding little George and Matty's world together. She finds herself facing an impossible choice between her lifelong dreams and a torn-apart family she's come to love as her own.


My Thoughts
First I would like to say that I received this from Henry Holt in exchange for a fair and honest review.  
I really enjoyed this book.  A lot of the characters were very relatable.  The story was told in alternate timelines intertwined.  So it would alternate between before and after the accident.  While this was an interesting way to tell the story that's where I struggled the most with this book.  It took me a while to read this so I struggled with remembering what was happening because it wasn't told in a linear fashion.  However I think if I sat down and binge read the story, I wouldn't have had this problem.  I really liked the writing, and I loved how the two kids developed throughout the story.  You could see how the events were affecting their personality, which I thought was really interesting.  Overall I would highly recommend this book especially if you are looking for an adult contemporary.